

Contributed by Arlene Hale Brachman, 1000 East Ravine Lane, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53217.


This letter is in regard to the THOMAS HALE item on page 90 of the October 1976 issue of Kentucky Ancestors.  Mrs. J. Oscar Phillips wrote an addition to an item sent in by Mrs. Russell E. Bradford about the Bible of LEVI HALE of Spencer Co., Ind. On page 203 of April 1976.


Mrs. Bradford’s Bible records are correct and Mrs. Phillips’ addition is correct in that people have joined the D.A.R. on the erroneous kinship of Levi Hale to Thomas Hale of Mercer Co., KY.


In actual fact, LEVI HALE is the son of JOHN HALE and Mary Willis of Mercer Co., KY.  Levi Hale of Spencer Co., Ind. is mentioned in Mercer Co., KY. Deed Book 12, page 276, July 21, 1821, as the son of John Hale.


The Levi Hale mentioned in a suit against the estate of Thomas Hale in Mercer Co., KY. Circuit Court records File Box P-19 (June 13, 1829) is listed as an infant and, therefore, is not of age in 1829, the time of his father’s death, and is not the same Levi Hale who moved to Spencer Co., Ind. before 1820.  The Thomas Hale whose will is being probated is listed in the 1810 Mercer Co., KY. Census as being 25-45 years of age, and is therefore too young to have fathered the Spencer Co. Levi Hale in 1774.





THOMAS (1742-1812)

  m. Jane Armstrong


    John b. 7-29-1765










JOHN (    -1798)

  m. Mary Willis


    LEVI (1774-1826)

    m. Catherine Tucker



    Levi (1816-1894)

    m. 1. Elizabeth Jones

         2. Martha Tooly


both Levis died in Spencer Co., IN

JOSEPH (    -1791)

  m. Nancy Willis


    THOMAS (ca 1775/96-1829)

    m. Elizabeth Devine


    Levi (ca 1821-    )



LEVI and THOMAS are first cousins of the same clan of Hales who came to Mercer Co., KY in 1785 from Botetourt Co., VA., where it appears that John Hale, LEVI’s father and John Hale, Sr., LEVI’s grandfather, both served in the Revolution.  The name Levi, and the name, Thomas, are used several times in the family.  I believe this mix-up of cousins and uncles is how the first entry into the D.A.R. made its mistake, and it has been compounded with each new applicant.





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